Press Release – Canadian Citizen, Salim Alaradi, detained in the UAE, on Hunger Strike

Press Release – Canadian Citizen, Salim Alaradi, detained in the UAE on Hunger Strike


Free Salim Alaradi Campaign


Urgent Update – December 1st 2015


Canadian Citizen, Salim Alaradi, detained in the UAE on Hunger Strike

Canadian Citizen Detained in UAE for 461 Days


A recent visit by Canadian authorities with Salim Alaradi has confirmed that he is on a hunger strike. Alaradi’s family is very concerned as his medical situation is only going to further exuberated by his hunger strike.

Alaradi has also informed Canadian authorities that he has recently met with a UAE general lawyer who has informed him that there are no accusations against him and his file has been closed.  His file has been transferred to the Prosecutor General’s office who will decide on releasing him or taking further action against him.

Alaradi’s family has urged Canadian authorities to use this window of an opportunity to intervene and call on the UAE government to immediately release him.

After 461 days of arbitrary detainment with no charge the international community lead by Canada should be calling on the UAE to halt the unlawful detainment of Salim and others.

“I am extremely concerned about my father’s health and the impacts of this hunger strike. But the news of his visit with the general lawyer is positive. It is the first time there has been sign of a legal process. The information that my father’s file has nothing against him is only further confirmation of what international lawyers, human rights organizations, Canadian authorities and I have been saying,” says Marwa, Salim Alaradi’s eldest daughter. “I am hoping the UAE authorities show good will and immediately reunite my father with us in Canada.”

Just over a week ago Marwa emailed every Member of Parliament to make them aware that a Canadian citizen is being detained and tortured in the UAE.  She hopes this will be a priority for parliament when it resumes this week.

Marwa has still not received a response from the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Office after she released her video message.  This week she has released it


The Video Message can be viewed on the following link:


Human Rights Organization Reports:

HRW Report - October 13, 2014

Amnesty Urgent Action – April 17 2015

Amnesty Urgent Action – September 24, 2014

HRW Report – October 5, 2014




Between August and September 2014 the UAE Authorities detained 10 foreign business men of Libyan nationality.  These 10 include two Canadians and two Americans. Many of the detainees have lived in the UAE for over two decades and have contributed to its business community and are highly respected.


Amnesty International has issued two Urgent Actions and Human Rights Watch has also issued a report. They have defined the arrests as enforced disappearance and the detainments as incommunicado.


Detainees have been denied legal counsel and their families are not able to engage lawyers until the detainees are placed into the judicial system. Human rights organizations have suggested the arrests are politically motivated to place pressure on the Libyan government in which the UAE government does not support.


The UAE is in violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The detainees have been denied reasonable communication with their family members.


Family and friends began their campaign in April through social media and have gained significant following and support from Canadians from across the country.  Over 2500 Canadians have signed an online petition calling for Salim’s release.




For more information contact the Alaradi family at


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